Did someone (maybe a librarian from Rush!) email you a link to a RefWorks folder? Simply clicking that link will show you the citation information but does NOT allow you to link through to the full text. Follow these steps to gain full text availability. This is a two-step process. First we will export these citations from this link, then upload them to a folder in your RefWorks account.
Step One: Export
Click on the link you got in your email. It will look like a RefWorks file but if you look closely you'll notice it's kind of a "shell" - all of the usual links to the left of the screen and the top of the screen are not there. This is not a fully functional RefWorks folder. To export these citations, look for a button at the top of your screen that says, “Export References.” Click that.
You will get a screen like the one below. Leave the top button as is ("All references"), and choose "RIS format" under Format. Click Export.
A file will be created. It will be in your Downloads folder, and will probably also appear in a grey bar along the bottom of your screen.
Step Two: Import into Your RefWorks Account
Log into your RefWorks account (if you do not have one already, follow the steps in the tab "RefWorks Overview" to the left to create one). We're going to put these citations directly into the appropriate RefWorks folder for this project. If you do not already have a folder set up for this project, do so by clicking "Add Folder" to the left.
To upload the newly-created RIS file, click “Add” then “Import References.”
You will be brought to a screen where you can import the file. If it is still visible in the grey bar along the bottom of your screen, you can drag and drop it in to the area below. If it is no longer in the grey bar, click "select a file from your computer" and then go into your Downloads folder and select it from there. Either way, once you put the file into this box, the import will automatically happen.
RefWorks will confirm the format (no need to change the drop-down box from Abbott labs). Click "Import."
On the next screen, RefWorks will ask you which folder you want the citations to go into. Select the appropriate folder and click "Import."
That’s it! You now have all citations in your folder and should be able to link through to the full text of each citation. To find full text, simply click on the title of the article you want to read. A new column to the left will open up,and you'll see a link for "Get It @ Rush" which will lead you to full text.
As always, if you have any questions or get stuck in this process, reach out to your librarians and we will help resolve the issue.