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Library Study Spaces

Looking for a study space?

Fifth floor

Library computer lab and collaborative study space (AAC 571; entrance is northeast of the fifth floor elevator hallway)

Open 24/7. Open to all RUSH personnel.
  • 12 workstations accessible to users with RUSH credentials.
  • Self-service printing.
  • Not a silent study space. Conversation and collaboration encouraged. 
  • Entry requires a valid RUSH ID badge.

Seventh floor

Seventh floor silent student study space (AAC 787; entrance is northeast of the seventh floor elevator hallway)

Open 24/7. Open to all RUSH University students. 
  • Non-reservable private cubicles and group study rooms available.
  • Silent study space; please limit conversation and mute phones, laptops, and other devices.
  • Entry requires a valid RUSH University student ID badge.
  • Self-service printing.

Seventh floor collaborative study space (AAC 791; up the stairs from the library's fifth floor)

Open 24/7. Open to all RUSH personnel. 
  • Accessible via stairs from the Library's fifth floor entrance (Room 571). Contact the Library Service Desk (2-5950) for elevator access.
  • Tables, carrels, and non-reservable group study rooms are available.
  • Not a silent study space. Conversation and collaboration encouraged.
  • 8 workstations accessible to users with RUSH credentials.
  • Entry requires a valid RUSH ID badge.

Study spaces outside the library

This list only includes study spaces within the library! RUSH University provides other spaces for students to work and study.