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"Get It @ Rush"

Your search results will be shown in the format below. To access the full text of an article, click the green Get It @ RUSH button.

If the Library has an active subscription to the journal, a full text link to the article will be available. If you want more information about an article, options include viewing the abstract and complete reference.


Creating a List

Do you see articles you'd like to save?  It's as easy as putting items into a "shopping cart" when shopping online.  When reviewing a set of results, each citation has a small box located to the left. Just check the box next to each citation.  When you're done selecting articles from a search, go to the upper right corner and chose either Keep Selected (temporary) or Add to my Projects (requires an account; results held for longer).  Once created, the list can be printed, emailed, or exported. This list can also be used with a bibliographic management product, such as RefWorks.

The reference librarians are available to answer any additional questions you may have about the Ovid Medline database. Please contact the Library at (312) 942-5950 or

Maps and Directions
