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Research Assistance

What We Offer

Instruction and orientation sessions are available for students, faculty, and staff. Orientation sessions are generally intended to introduce incoming students to the library's services. Many programs and departments include the library in general orientation sessions provided to new students. Please contact your department for information about any library orientation your students may have already received. Instruction sessions can range from brief library overviews to in-depth library workshops. These sessions can be offered in-person or virtually.

Topics for instruction can include:

  • Library services overview
  • Review of resources available
  • Conducting basic or advanced literature searching
  • Understanding citation management tools such as RefWorks or Covidence
  • Subject specific searching
  • Other topics as needed

How to Request an Instruction Session

 To request an instruction session, please fill out our Ask a Question form, or email

Please submit instruction requests at least two weeks in advance. After your request has been received, a librarian will contact you to confirm the session date and time. If a computer lab is needed, we recommend requesting one through the Registrar's room scheduling site.