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The website of the Library of RUSH University Medical Center has many valuable features. This guide will explore some of the options.
Primo is a single search tool to find books, eBooks, articles, journals, video and more!
The search box is ideal for a quick or preliminary search. It is not a federated search; does not search all of RUSH's research databases (Scopus, PubMed, CINAHL, etc.) at once. To conduct a thorough literature review, you will need to search specific databases – PubMed, Ovid, CINAHL, Scopus, etc. – separately and build a proper search strategy.
This search box will return citations, with links to the full text of the article (or a link to ILLiad, our interlibrary loan request system).
The easiest way to search is to leave the drop-down boxes to their default settings, and simply type your keywords in the large search box (the one that reads "Search everything: books....")
What does "Primo" search? if you're looking for articles, don't change this drop-down box. Leaving this at "Primo" will return articles. It will search RUSH's collections, and also options for items available through interlibrary loan.