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Library Webpage


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How can I log in from off campus?

A: The system will prompt you when to log in; this will require your usual Rush ID and password. If you are unable to log in, please contact the library; we may need to update your registration. 


Q: How can I limit my articles by date published (ie the last 10 years)?

A: Use the "Creation Date" filter in the right hand column


Q: How can I find a specific article?

A: Follow the steps in the guide shown in the options to the left.


Q: How can I limit to peer-reviewed articles?

A: Use the filter in the right hand column for "Peer reviewed journals"


Q: Where can I see a list of the journals to which Rush subscribes?

A: you need to get past the initial Primo search screen, so search on any keyword in the Primo search box.  On the next page, look for "Journal Finder" in the top bar.  You can search by title, ISSN or keyword.  For example, searching for "diabetes" brings up 90 journals that are about diabetes.