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This is an introduction to the different features in the Scopus database.

Exporting items to RefWorks or Covidence

To export items to RefWorks, Covidence or another citation manager, look in the grey bar (found at the top of your search results) for the words "RIS Export."   Note that you can also email citations (with links) to yourself in this bar.

You can export or email individual citations using the links in this bar, or you can save citations into a List and export/email the entire list at once by using the List function.  See "Saving Items in a List" in the tabs to the left for more information. 

The drop-down arrow next to "RIS Export" provides options for what information you'd like to export.  We recommend checking of all boxes so that all information is sent.

Clicking the "RIS Export" button will create a file that will be in your Downloads folder and will probably show in in the grey bar along the bottom of your screen.  This file is formatted for easy import into RefWorks, Covidence and many other citation managers.  You can find more information on importing into RefWorks here  and importing into Covidence here.



Maps and Directions
