Would you like PubMed to automatically highlight your search terms when they appear in a citation? MyNCBI can set that up for you! Just click on your login icon, go to My Dashboard, then look for "NCBI Site Preferences" along the top right. This page offers many ways to customize your search results, including highlighting keywords.
My NCBI is a free account that PubMed users can create to keep their research organized. MY NCBI accounts can store search strategies they have created on specific topics and collections. Collections are groups of specific citations that a user wishes to keep indefinitely. Collections can be edited at any time. My NCBI recent search histories are saved for up to six months allowing the user to return to the search if necessary.
MyNCBI also allows users to highlight search terms! See the box to the left for more information.
If you do not already have a My NCBI account, look for the link to create an account in the upper right area of your screen.