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Scopus: Importing Citations

To import citations from Scopus into Covidence, follow the steps below to first create a properly formatted file, then import that file into Covidence..  Note that you can only export 2000 citations at a time from Scopus, so you might need to do this several times if you have an especially large set of search results.  The best way to reduce the number of citations is to limit by year.

Create a Formatted File

First run your search string so that the search results represent the citations you wish to import.  Click "All" and "RIS Export."

Once you click "RIS Export" you will have several options.  We recommend clicking all five categories.  MAKE SURE the middle column, Abstracts and Keywords, is checked as you will want to see the Abstracts in Covidence.

A file will be created and will be accessible from your Downloads folder.  You might also see it in a grey bar along the bottom of your screen. You have now created a properly formatted file that is ready to be imported into Covidence. 


Import into Covidence

Go into Covidence and Click "Import" from your review's main dashboard page.

If you are importing citations to screen, change the drop-down box to "Screen."  Click "Choose File" and either drag and drop the file from the grey bar along the bottom of your screen, or find it in your Downloads folder.  Click "Import."

Covidence will automatically begin importing the citations from the database.