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Importing Citations into Covidence

Once you have finalized your search strategy in each database, you are ready to import the results!  Click here for information on translating a search string from PubMed into other databases.

The usual process is for researchers to first develop a search strategy in each database, and then import the entire sets of results into Covidence.  You do not pick and choose specific citations to import.  Covidence offers an easy-to-use title/abstract screening function. It also automatically de-duplicates upon import!  For this reason, database results are imported "en masse" and reseachers go through the entire set of de-duplicated citations, deciding which to include, in the various screening stages (Title/Abstract and then Full Text Screening). 

To import citations into Covidence from the various databases, see the column to the left for step-by-step instructions for several popular databases.

Covidence will accept any citation as long as it is in.RIS format.  Most databases and journal website provide the option to save a citation as a .RIS file. 

Do you have an unusual item you'd like to import into Covidence, such as a webpage or presentation?  Many citation managers (such as RefWorks) accept these types of information sources, and allow you to manually create a citation from whatever information you have (for example, URL, date accessed, title of webpage, etc.).  If you can create an entry in a citation manager for such an item, then you can export that entry as an RIS file and import it into Covidence.

Maps and Directions
