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Getting Started

To start a new review in Covidence, just click on the word "Covidence" on the library's home page.  The Library is able to provide full access to Covidence at no charge for Rush affiliates.  Even if you previously had a trial account with Covidence, you are able to create a full review with no "trial" restrictions at no charge.  

The next screen will have login options.  If you are new to Covidence OR previously had a trial account, click the top option.  

If this does not work, or if you are a Rush associate but do not have an email that ends in, please email the librarians at   We will initiate the review, and you will receive an email with an invitation to join the review.


Some Tips

To help get you started:

  • Many people find it helpful to have search terms/keywords highlighted as they review the title/abstract.  For more information on this process, check here:
    To add reviewers, click on Settings, then Add/Remove Reviewers (along the top)
  • You can change the number of reviewers required at each stage (it defaults to two) on that same page
  • To add people to your team (Covidence calls them “reviewers”), click on Settings, then Add/Remove Reviewers (along the top).  This will send them an email inviting them to join the review.

The first step is importing the citations.  If the librarian has assisted you in your literature search, this is sometimes done by the librarian.  For more information on importing citations, see the tabs to the left.  A step-by-step guide has been created for each of the major databases.

Once the citations are imported, you are ready to screen the title and abstract of each citation!