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Communication Disorders and Sciences

This guide provides information on using the library's resources to perform research in speech-language pathology and audiology.

Importing from PubMed


  • Perform your search in the PubMed database.  Check the box in front of the citations you want to keep.
  • Click the “Send To” button and choose the Clipboard.
  • PubMed will keep items in your clipboard for 8 hours, or until you log out.  You can go back to your search and add more items to the Clipboard if you like, or do another search and add items as you see fit.
  • When you are finished searching and want to export to RefWorks, go into your Clipboard (click the word "Clipboard" underneath the search box).  
  • Click "Send To" then "Citation Manager."  On the next page, click "Create File."

Your file will show up in your Downloads file folder, and as a recently downloaded file in the grey line at the bottom of your screen.  You have now saved your citations in a format that is readable to RefWorks;  now to import it.

  • In RefWorks, create a folder for the project (if you haven’t already).
  • Under “References” (top left), select “Import.” 
  • From the Import Filter/Data Source Menu, select “NLM PubMed.”
  • Do you see your folder icon in the grey bar at the bottom of your screen?  If so, you can drag your folder icon onto the “Choose File” button.   If it’s not there, you can find the recently imported folder in your Downloaded file.  Double click it, or drag and drop it on “Choose File.”
  • Click the “Import” button.  They will automatically be entered into your Last Imported Folder in RefWorks.

Importing from Scopus

​​​​​​In Scopus, to save an article you want, click the box in front of the citation then “Send to List”  (you must do both:  Click the box AND click “Send to List”). They will be saved in your List until you log out.

To export to RefWorks, go into your List  (top bar) and choose "RIS Export" (note that you can also email citations to yourself from this bar).  A file will be created and will be in your downloads folder and will probably show up in a bar along the bottom of your screen. 


Import this file into RefWorks

  • Log into RefWorks
  • click “Add" then "Import References"
  • Select your file (either drag and drop it, or find it in Downloads)
  • Select which RefWorks folder you'd like to put it into (if applicable) and Import the file.

Importing from EBSCO Databases

Perform your search using any EBSCO database (CINAHL, PsycINFO, and ERIC are popular examples).

  • When you find a citation you want to keep, click the folder icon to the right of the citation.  That places the item in a Folder.  Items remain in your Folder until you log out.
  • When you are ready to export citations to RefWorks, click the Folder icon (in the blue bar above) to display the results in the folder.
  • Check the "Select All" box at the top to choose all references.
  • Click "Export" in the right-hand column.
  • Select "Direct Export to RefWorks" in the left-hand column.
  • Click the Save button. This should send citations directly to RefWorks.

Importing from Google Scholar

To import citations from Google Scholar into RefWorks (10 or 20 at a a time):

  • you must have a Google account.  Log into your account
  • conduct your search (tips on searching in Google Scholar can be found here: Tips for Searching in Google Scholar
  • click the star beneath the citations you want to keep.  This puts citations into your Library.  Items remain in your library until you choose to delete them.

When you are done searching and ready to import citations into RefWorks, go into  your library (upper right corner).

  • click the button that selects all citations
  • choose the icon that represents a download (arrow pointing down) and select RefMan

Your file will show up in your Downloads file folder, and as a recently downloaded file in the grey line at the bottom of your screen.  You have now saved your citations in a format that is readable to RefWorks;  now to import it.

  • In RefWorks, create a folder for the project (if you haven’t already).
  • Under “References” (top left), select “Import.” 
  • From the Import Filter/Data Source Menu, select RIS (both drop-down boxes)
  • Do you see your folder icon in the grey bar at the bottom of your screen?  If so, you can drag your folder icon onto the “Choose File” button.   If it’s not there, you can find the recently imported folder in your Downloaded file.  Double click it, or drag and drop it on “Choose File.”
  • Click the “Import” button.  RefWorks will ask which folder to put the citations into.