Your file will show up in your Downloads file folder, and as a recently downloaded file in the grey line at the bottom of your screen. You have now saved your citations in a format that is readable to RefWorks; now to import it.
In Scopus, to save an article you want, click the box in front of the citation then “Send to List” (you must do both: Click the box AND click “Send to List”). They will be saved in your List until you log out.
To export to RefWorks, go into your List (top bar) and choose "RIS Export" (note that you can also email citations to yourself from this bar). A file will be created and will be in your downloads folder and will probably show up in a bar along the bottom of your screen.
Import this file into RefWorks
Perform your search using any EBSCO database (CINAHL, PsycINFO, and ERIC are popular examples).
To import citations from Google Scholar into RefWorks (10 or 20 at a a time):
When you are done searching and ready to import citations into RefWorks, go into your library (upper right corner).
Your file will show up in your Downloads file folder, and as a recently downloaded file in the grey line at the bottom of your screen. You have now saved your citations in a format that is readable to RefWorks; now to import it.