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Communication Disorders and Sciences

This guide provides information on using the library's resources to perform research in speech-language pathology and audiology.

Identifying Duplicates

It is a good idea to rid your folders of duplicate items.  Doing so enables RefWorks to more easily manage citations when creating bibliographies and in-text citations.

To check for duplicates, click the icon of three vertical dots (the"kebab") along the top and select "Find duplicates."

You will be given a few options.  If you are working within a folder, choose that folder name to limit the search to items within that folder.  You can also choose a "Strict" or "Fuzzy" match.  We recommend using "Fuzzy."   "Strict" will catch only perfect matches, while "Fuzzy" will catch close matches.  For example, if you have the same article in a folder twice, but the author is cited in one using a full name, and in the other using initials, it will not be noticed in "Strict" but it will be caught in "Fuzzy."

If duplicates are found, both citations will be shown with one of them selected for deletion. Click the trash can icon to remove the selected duplicate from your folder.