If you are looking for a specific test and have some idea of the name of the test, here are some places to search. Please remember that not all tests are available through your library. Many are under copyright and available only for a fee.
Check for the test in Rush databases (available from the library home page, under the blue Databases tab):
- PsycINFO, a psychology database
- APA PsycTESTS, a database of psychological instruments and measurements
- ERIC, an education database
- CINAHL, a nursing and allied health database
Try websites:
- Consult a guide put together by Helen Hough at the University of Texas at Arlington that indexes tests that appear in books that are compendia of tests. The guide includes tests outside of the social sciences.http://libraries.uta.edu/tmdb/
- Consult ETS Test Link Database, listing more than 25,000 tests and measurement instruments on a wide variety of topics. https://www.ets.org/test_link/find_tests/
- Google; especially using the Images option