RefWorks is a citation manager. You can put citations from the articles you've found into RefWorks. This provides a safe place to keep and organize them, allows you to share them for group projects, and makes creating a bibliography much easier.
As a citation manager, RefWorks provides a means of accessing the full text. You will be able to access the article in RefWorks the same way that you did in CINAHL.
Once you've found an article that looks interesting, click on the title (or the magnifying glass icon) for more information about it. If you want to view the whole article, click the green "Get It @ RUSH" button. This shows you the options for locating the full text of your article.
CINAHL has a feature called the Folder that allows you to save many articles as a group. If you're going to be working with several items, the folder can be a real time-saver. It allows you to move citations as a group to RefWorks, or send the citations in a single email. To add a citation to the Folder, click the light blue folder icon located to the right of each of the citations of interest. Users may view the contents of their folders by clicking the yellow folder icon at the top right side of the screen.
There are two ways to obtain the full text of an article. Sometimes the pdf and/or HTML of the article is displayed directly below the citation.
If you do not see a link to the PDF or HTML of the article directly below the citation, click the green Get It @ RUSH button. This may link you to the full text of the item from an additional source. If there is no full text option after clicking Get It @ RUSH, you have the option to order the item via Interlibrary Loan.