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Distance Education/Online Students

This guide will provide an overview of the library's services and resources.

The Basics

Do I need to register for a library account?

Students are automatically registered with the library, so you do not need to register for a library account. Your library login information is the same as your Rush login – your Rush email and password.

What library services do I have access to?

Distance and online students have access to many of the same services and resources as on-campus students. Distance students can access all of Rush's online resources (including databases, e-journals, RefWorks, and ebooks), schedule virtual reference appointments with librarians, and request digital copies of articles and book chapters through interlibrary loan (ILLiad).

Reference Services

For general questions

Library staff members are available daily via chat or by phone at (312)-942-5950 to answer questions or, if necessary, to pass questions on to a librarian. General questions about library services can also be submitted via the Chat feature on the library home page or the Ask a Question form. Questions submitted via the form or passed along to a librarian will receive a response within two business days.

To schedule a reference appointment

Distance students can schedule a meeting with reference librarians for assistance with database searching or bibliographic and citation management with RefWorks. Librarians are available Monday-Thursday, 9-5, and on Fridays from 9-4. Appointments can be conducted online or over the phone. To request an appointment, fill out the Schedule an Appointment form. Please place your appointment request at least one business day in advance.

For questions regarding the Archives

Distance and online students also have access to the services and online resources of the Rush University Medical Center Archives. Questions about Rush history can be directed to the Archives via the Ask the Archives form.