"Although the librarian's multiple roles are important in all forms of medical research, they are crucial in a systematic review."
“Expert searchers are an important part of the systematic review team, crucial throughout the review process - from the development of the proposal and research question to publication.” (McGowan & Sampson, 2005)
Harris, M. R. (2005). The librarian’s roles in the systematic review process: a case study. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 93(1), 81–87.
"The librarian is a key player on the team and needs to be an integral player in all meetings."
McGowan, J., & Sampson, M. (2005). Systematic reviews need systematic searchers. Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA, 93(1), 74-80. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15685278
*The information professional should write the methods section regarding the search methods.You may also want to consider providing a copy of one of the search strategies used in an appendix"
Cochrane handbook
Regarding librarian credit:
It is considered best practice to include a librarian as a team member when conducting a systematic or scoping review. Acknowledging a librarian helps your paper, as it lets readers know that you followed this recommended best practice.
If you plan to include a librarian-developed search strategy (either as an appendix or in the text), please acknowledge the librarian by name. Copying and pasting a search string, word-for-word, justifies an acknowledgment by name. Possible acknowledgment: “We would like to thank (librarian) from the Library of RUSH University Medical Center for her work on the literature search strategy for this review.”
If the work was extensive and the librarian made a significant contribution (such as refining the topic, many extensive reviews of the search strategy, and/or writing part of the methods section, etc.), co-authorship is merited. Please get in touch when you start drafting the Methods section of the paper. Please note that the library does not have funds for any potential author processing charges.