Would you like to know when your articles become available in Scopus? Follow the steps below and you will get an email from Scopus when your articles are added to Scopus. Note: This will not let you know when your article is published; rather, this is specific to letting you know when an article is added to Scopus.
First we will set up a query in Scopus that returns all your articles currently indexed in Scopus. If you have a distinctive last name you might be able to get by with just searching by Author. For most people, a search by Author and also affiliation (Rush) returns citations that are limited to those that you authored. The example below sets up a query based on author name and affiliation.
1) Go into Scopus. Log in or create an account (upper right area of your screen).
2) First we need to locate you as an author. To do so, change the search function from Documents to Authors.
3) Fill in the required information (last name, first name and affiliation) and hit search. The next page will list all authors that meet this criteria that have articles indexed in Scopus.
4) Find the one that matches you. Click the box by your name and then click "Show Documents." This is a list of all articles currently indexed in Scopus that fit the criteria you specified in the steps above.
5) To set up an alert for when new items are added to this list, look for "Set Alert" off to the left. Click "Set Alert." A box will pop up with information about the alert (ie frequency, day of week, etc). Click "Set Alert" within this box.
That's it! You will now get notifications when article you have authored are indexed into Scopus.