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Library Policies

Library Food & Drink Policy

Food and Drink Policy

Drinks and small snacks (such as chips or fruit) are permitted in the Library of Rush University Medical Center, except near library computers. Drinks must be in covered containers.

Meals are NOT permitted in any part of the Library except the 5th floor Library Lounge.

Examples of permitted food: candy, plain bagels, dried fruit, and granola bars.

Examples of prohibited food: pizza, sandwiches, hamburgers, fries, salads, ice cream or any other messy/greasy foods. Patrons eating these foods will be asked to move to the 5th floor Library Lounge until they have finished eating.

Please dispose of trash appropriately and take leftovers with you when you leave. We ask that you be respectful of those around you and respectful of library materials and furnishings.

Thank you for your cooperation.