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Rush Medical College Capstone Course

This guide has been developed to support independent learning and research. The skills outlined in this guide are applicable to the research you need to complete as a student and throughout your career.

Considerations in selecting a journal

What makes a journal? 

Review journal components and your own work to determine appropriateness for journal selection.


Journal's Scope/Content

Does your topic align with the scope and content of the journal? For example, your manuscript about pediatric care in the ICU may not be an appropriate choice for a journal focusing on the geriatric population. 

Editorial Board

Does the editorial board have content experts as members? Does the board consist of members from one institution or a variety of institution/organizations?

Intended Audience(s)

Is your target audience for practitioners, researchers, administrators, policymakers? 

Article/Publication types 

Is your manuscript an original study or review? Please be aware of the types of articles journals place preference on publishing. 

Peer Review/Referred Process

Does the journal have a peer review process/policy? If so, is the process clearly stated or described? The three most common peer review methods are single-blind, double-blind, and open. Understand these processes via this link. 

Journal Publishing Cycle

Editors and peer reviewers are allotted a certain amount of time for manuscript review. In addition, journals publish at different frequencies. For example, JAMA Pediatrics publishes monthly and The New England Journal of Medicine publishes weekly. 

Publication Fees

Are there any fees to be aware of? Open Access journals fall under a different publishing model. For more information about Open Access Publishing, click here. 

Author Guidelines/Rights

Before your manuscript submission, please review author guidelines provided by the journal. If you do not adhere to guidelines you increase your chances for rejection. Once your manuscript is accepted for publication, please be aware of your rights as an author. Most journals will own the copyright of your work.

Journal Rankings/ Scholarly Metrics (i.e. Impact Factor)

Ranking and metrics can provide some useful information to authors when selecting a journal. For an overview of scholarly metrics, click here. For information on which library databases provide metrics, click here. 

Journal Indexing & Abstracting

Is the journal indexed in databases or sources where it can be retrieved by researchers, practitioners, scholars? You want your work to be visible and retrievable. Indexing and abstracting information are available via Ulrich's.

Journal Assessment Tools

These journal assessment tools are self-guided questions for authors to consider when selecting a particular journal for publication. Use your best judgment when selecting a publication.