New RUSH University Medical Center Library Acquisitions

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Cover ArtCURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2025 by Maxine A. Papadakis; Michael W. Rabow; Kenneth R. McQuaid; Monica Gandhi
Online resource added to the Library of RUSH University Medical Center e-collection February 3, 2025. 
ISBN: 9781266266232
Publication Date: 2024-08-22
The #1 annual guide in adult internal medicine. Each year CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment (CMDT) undergoes extensive revision to deliver new clinical developments in every field of adult internal medicine--making it the most popular annual textbook of its kind. For more than six decades, CMDT has been disseminating authoritative information that students, residents, and clinicians need to build their medical knowledge, expertise, and confidence. Written by top experts in their fields, chapters are formatted so you can find the most relevant diagnostic tools for day-to-day practice. CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2025 provides: 
  • Emphasis on the practical aspects of clinical diagnosis and disease management
  • Coverage of more than 1,000 diseases and disorders 
  • Hundreds of quick-access drug treatment tables with indexed trade names 
  • Essentials of Diagnosis provides snapshot of common diseases/disorders 
  • Diagnostic and treatment algorithms and tables present critical information at a glance
  • Carefully curated references provide peer-reviewed, evidence-based information and PMID numbers for quick online access 
  • Hundreds of full-color photographs and illustrations 
CMDT 2025 updates include: 
  • "Year in Review" table highlights nearly 100 recent advances impacting clinical practice 
  • New chapter on Substance Use Disorders 
  • New photos reflecting clinical conditions in a variety of skin tones 
  • Key updates to Viral & Rickettsial Infections chapter including concise directives on COVID-19 and measles 
  • Expanded coverage of major GI Disorders such as Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis
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Cover ArtCURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Surgery, 16th Edition by Gerard M. Doherty
Online resource added to the Library of RUSH University Medical Center e-collection February 3, 2025. 
ISBN: 1265449279
Publication Date: 2025-01-30
The evidence-based, point-of-care information you need to master the full scope of diseases and disorders most often treated by surgeons Organized by organ system, Current Diagnosis and Treatment: Surgery begins with the relationship between surgeons and their patients, training and professionalism, preoperative care, postoperative care, and surgical complications. Subsequent chapters cover wound healing, inflammation, infection, antibiotics, fluid and electrolyte management, and surgical metabolism and nutrition.  In addition to sections covering everything from head and neck tumors to hand surgery, this comprehensive resource offers expert coverage of pediatric surgery, oncology, weight management, organ transplantation, and more. Featuring 600+ photographs and illustrations, hundreds of chapter-ending multiple-choice review questions, and the latest the latest research and discoveries, Current Diagnosis and Treatment: Surgery is designed to help you find all the answers you need quickly and easily.  
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Cover ArtCURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Psychiatry, 4th Edition by Michael H. Ebert; Peter R. Martin; Molly McVoy; Robert J. Ronis; Sidney H. Weissman
Online resource added to the Library of RUSH University Medical Center e-collection February 3, 2025. 
ISBN: 9781265412616
Publication Date: 2024-12-02
Quickly and accurately diagnose and treat the psychiatric disorders you will encounter in clinical practice CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment: Psychiatry offers instant access to relevant etiology, phenomenology, pathophysiology, and drug information. Designed in the time-saving outline style that makes LANGEĀ® CURRENT titles so popular, the book covers need-to-know information on interviewing techniques, emergency psychiatry, treatment strategies, psychiatry and the law, psychological testing, emergency psychiatry, and evaluating infants.  This authoritative resource reviews essential psychopharmacologic and psychotherapeutic approaches, and provides evaluation, testing, and decision-making tools and criteria. Renowned authorities on the subject, the editors have a cumulative 100+ years treating patients and teaching residents.  
  • Covers both adult and pediatric disorders
  • Reviews essential psychopharmacologic and psychotherapeutic approaches
  • Provides evaluation, testing, and decision-making tools and criteria
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Cover ArtCURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Pediatrics, 27th Edition by Maya Bunik; Myron J. Levin; Mark J. Abzug; Teri L. Schreiner
Online resource added to the Library of RUSH University Medical Center e-collection February 3, 2025. 
ISBN: 1265739897
Publication Date: 2025-05-02
The most up-to-date, time-saving guide available for effectively diagnosing and treating child patients ;from birth to adolescence The go-to resource for medical students focusing on pediatrics, CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Pediatrics delivers everything you need for your pediatrics and family medicine clerkships and to launch a successful residency. Packed with hundreds of photos and illustrations--including 100 brand-new full-color images detailing problems in the eyes, skin, oral cavity, and more--it includes an invaluable guide to normal laboratory values, features detailed descriptions of all relevant diseases, and covers diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Providing an abundance of evidence-based information in a single volume, this authoritative guide delivers the latest information on important pediatric health concerns, including:
  • Childhood nutrition and eating disorders
  • Infectious diseases
  • Psychiatric disorders
  • Skin diseases
  • Oral medicine and dentistry
  • Immunization
  • Emergencies and injuries  
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Cover ArtHarrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twenty-Second Edition (Vol. 1 & Vol. 2) by Dan Longo; Anthony S. Fauci; Dennis L. Kasper; Stephen Hauser; J. Larry Jameson; Joseph Loscalzo; Steven M. Holland; Carol A. Langford
Online resource added to the Library of RUSH University Medical Center e-collection February 3, 2025. 
ISBN: 1265979316
Publication Date: 2025-07-18
For more than seven decades, Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine has provided healthcare professionals with the informational foundation needed to provide optimal patient care. The world's leading authority on applied pathophysiology and clinical medicine, this trusted resource has covered countless advances and developments across the full span of medicine.  
Fully updated, the new 22nd edition has been modified extensively in its structure and content and offers a standardized format for each disease chapter. The authors and editors have curated and synthesized the vast amount of information that comprises general internal medicine and each of the major specialties into a highly readable and informative resource.  
This twenty-second edition features: 
  • Updated content that reflects new approved therapeutics and new practice-changing guidelines and evidence summaries 
  • More than 3,000, clinical, pathological, and radiographic photographs, diagnostic and therapeutic decision trees, and clear schematics and diagrams describing pathophysiologic processes
  • Numerous atlases featuring curated collections of important visual aspects of diagnosis and management 
  • Brand new chapters, including The Value of the Physical Examination in Modern Medicine, Physician Well-Being, Exercise Intolerance, Primary and Secondary Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis, Symptom Control in Patients with Cancer, Principles of Immunization, COVID and Other Coronavirus Infections, Desensitization, Point-of-Care Ultrasound, Placebo and Nocebo Effects, Bedside Examination Tests in the Patient with Low Back Pain, and Antithrombotic Therapy in Adult Patients
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