Cover ArtCURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Psychiatry, 4th Edition by Michael H. Ebert; Peter R. Martin; Molly McVoy; Robert J. Ronis; Sidney H. Weissman
Online resource added to the Library of RUSH University Medical Center e-collection February 3, 2025. 
ISBN: 9781265412616
Publication Date: 2024-12-02
Quickly and accurately diagnose and treat the psychiatric disorders you will encounter in clinical practice CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment: Psychiatry offers instant access to relevant etiology, phenomenology, pathophysiology, and drug information. Designed in the time-saving outline style that makes LANGE® CURRENT titles so popular, the book covers need-to-know information on interviewing techniques, emergency psychiatry, treatment strategies, psychiatry and the law, psychological testing, emergency psychiatry, and evaluating infants.  This authoritative resource reviews essential psychopharmacologic and psychotherapeutic approaches, and provides evaluation, testing, and decision-making tools and criteria. Renowned authorities on the subject, the editors have a cumulative 100+ years treating patients and teaching residents.  
  • Covers both adult and pediatric disorders
  • Reviews essential psychopharmacologic and psychotherapeutic approaches
  • Provides evaluation, testing, and decision-making tools and criteria