Jones Staircase Unveiling Event in Armour hosted by Nathalie Wheaton and Larry Goodman, MD, CEO, RUSH University Medical Center and CEO, RUSH System [September 12, 2018]
The Founding of RUSH Medical College by Joseph deBettencourt, RUSH Medical College student, in Hektoen International: A Journal of the Medical Humanities [August 23, 2018]
Life-Saving Poison Control Centers Have Origins at RUSH, The Watermark newsletter of the ALHHS [Fall 2018]
Life-Saving Poison Control Centers Have Origins at RUSH [August 13, 2018]
Get an “Insider’s Look” into Chicago history with RUSH archivist, Nathalie Wheaton [June 4, 2018]
Acknowledgements: The manuscript works of S. Fred Prince (1857–1949) by S. B. Calahan and J. W. Dean, Archives of Natural History [April 2018]