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Rush History Stories

About our Rush In-Person Blog Posts

Here are compilations of Rush Archives posts that have been featured on the Rush InPerson blog. Rush InPerson is a forum for doctors, nurses, professors, students, and patients to share their experiences about life at Rush University Medical Center.

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Rush Opens New Hospital Building, 1982

From the Archives: Rush’s New Hospital, 1982

By Nathalie Wheaton

Thirty years ago, Rush employees and patients were moving into a new hospital building, the Atrium. The May/June 1982 issue of the Rush’s NewsRounds newsletter featured a photo spread devoted to the “move-in.”

These photos show everything from the excitement of the dedication ceremonies, the attention given to patients, and the nitty-gritty details like packing up an office.

Rush moves into its new hospital building, the Tower, this weekend. The McCormick Foundation Center for Advanced Emergency Response opens on Friday, and the new hospital officially opens on Monday.

Nathalie Wheaton is assistant archivist in the Rush Archives. To learn more, please contact Visit the Rush Archives web page or explore our collections.

Rush Celebrates 150 Years, 1987

From the Archives: Rush’s 150th Birthday, 1987

By Nathalie Wheaton

Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center celebrated its 150th anniversary in 1987. Rush commemorated this milestone with parties, contests and branded merchandise.

In this photo, Rush President Leo M. Henikoff, MD, cuts a special cake for Rush’s sesquicentennial. Henikoff served as president from 1984 to 2002.

Rush University Medical Center’s oldest component, Rush Medical College, was chartered March 2, 1837, two days before the city of Chicago received its charter. That makes us older than Chicago and gives us plenty of history to share.

Rush’s 175th birthday party is March 2 from noon to 1 p.m. in the Armour Academic Center, room 994. Contact the Rush Archives to RSVP and for more information at or (312) 942-7214

Nathalie Wheaton is assistant archivist in the Rush Archives. To learn more, please contact Visit the Rush Archives web page or explore our collections.

Time Capsule, 1924

By Heather Stecklein

In 1875, Rush Medical College moved to Chicago’s West Side and constructed an elaborate, multi-use building at the corner of Wood and Harrison streets. The building’s cornerstone held early issues of the Chicago Medical Journal, various Chicago newspapers, tourists’ guides to Chicago for 1875, a city directory, the valedictory address for 1871, photographs of former faculty, and a copy of the 1837 Rush Medical College charter.

In 1924, the building was demolished to make room for the new Rawson laboratory, and Rush Medical College faculty explored the capsule’s contents. Shown in this photograph are, among others: Edwin L. Holmes; James Spencer Dickerson; O.B. Swanson; Arthur E. Wood, grand master of the Illinois Lodge of Masons; Judge Henry Horner; Dr. C.T. Barnes; Dr. Robert H. Herbst and James H. Harper.

Heather Stecklein is an archivist with Rush University Medical Center. You can contact the Rush Archives at or at (312) 942-7214.