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Institutional Records in the Rush Archives



  • Jones Building, 19101883: Presbyterian Hospital of the City of Chicago was chartered July 21, 1883, by faculty at Rush Medical College as a facility to provide clinical instruction for medical students. The faculty cooperated with local Presbyterian leaders to procure the financial support necessary to proceed with construction. The hospital was built adjacent to Rush Medical College at the corner of South Wood Street and Congress Parkway. The Woman's Board was developed during the beginning stages of the hospital and played a key role in fundraising for and service to the hospital throughout its history. The hospital's relationship with Rush Medical College led to an increasing interest in medical research at the hospital.
  • 1898: Rush Medical College was affiliated with the University of Chicago beginning in 1898. Because of its symbiotic relationship with Rush, Presbyterian Hospital had a strong influence on Rush's relationship with the University of Chicago. 
  • 1903: The hospital introduced the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing. 
  • 1941: Eventually, Presbyterian, Rush, and the University of Chicago disagreed on the future of Rush, and the affiliation dissolved.
  • 1942: Rush Medical College closed. Soon afterward, Presbyterian Hospital became affiliated with the University of Illinois. The medical staff of Presbyterian Hospital served as faculty for the University of Illinois.
  • 1956: In an effort to combine their resources, Presbyterian Hospital merged with St. Luke's Hospital, on April 25, 1956, and became Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital.


  • 1883: Presbyterian Hospital of the City of Chicago was founded in 1883.
  • 1903: Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing was founded. The nursing school was affiliated with Rush Medical College (RMC), the faculty of which served as instructors, supplementing teaching by the nursing staff. Nursing students worked in Rush clinics and the Central Free Dispensary.
  • 1956: On April 25, 1956, with the merger of St. Luke's and Presbyterian Hospitals, the schools of nursing merged as the Presbyterian-St. Luke's School of Nursing. 

Several items from the Presbyterian Hospital Records, #4705, and Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing Records, #4776, have been digitized and are available online.

Other Presbyterian Hospital resources:

Presbyterian Hospital, 1883-1956