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Photograph Collections in the Rush Archives: Photograph Collections in the Rush Archives

The Rush Archives holds thousands of photographs related to Rush from the 1870s to the present day. If you are looking for photographs for a project, please contact the Rush Archives! Most of our photographs are not available online...yet!

  • Flickr: To explore a selection of our most well-known images, visit our Flickr page.
  • Internet Archive: You can also find interesting pictures within our digitized annual reports, newsletters, and yearbooks. Explore these items online through the Internet Archive.
  • Class Photographs: The Rush Archives holds class photographs from Rush Medical College, the nursing schools of St. Luke's, Presbyterian, and Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospitals, and for Rush University. Below are descriptions of class photographs for our predecessor schools, which include names of alumni. *Contact the Archivist to learn more.
  • Rush University New Student Picture Books, 1971-2005, and Rush Medical College Pulse yearbooks via the Internet Archive.
  • CARLI* Digital Collections: Our oldest Rush Medical College Class Composites  (1879-1920) are available online through CARLI Digital Collections. Looking for a class photo after 1920? Contact the Rush Archives. [*Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois.]
  • Chicago Collections Consortium: To search some Rush Archives photos alongside other Chicago institutions', visit the Chicago Collections Consortium's Explore portal.

Photos from the Y2K Task Force Collection, December 31, 1999

Rush New Year's Eve Party, MCE, 1999

Rush New Year's Eve Party, Medical Center Engineering staff, 1999

Rush New Year's Eve Party, 1999

Rush New Year's Eve Party, 1999

Rush New Year's Eve Party, 1999

Rush New Year's Eve Party, 1999

Rush New Year's Eve Party, 1999

Rush New Year's Eve Party, 1999

Rush New Year's Eve Party, 1999

Rush New Year's Eve Party, 1999

Rush New Year's Eve Party, the Trufants, 1999

Rush New Year's Eve Party, Jack Trufant, EdD, Associate Provost, Vice President of Academic Resources, Dean of CHS and GC, and wife, Judith, 1999.

Rush employees were invited to sign a poster with their wishes for the new year. Mrs. Trufant wished for advancements for women's rights in the new millennium.

New Year's Eve at Rush, 1999, one more PC check-up

New Year's Eve at Rush, 1999, one more PC check-up

New Year's Eve around Rush, 1999

New Year's Eve around Rush, 1999

New Year's Eve around Rush, 1999

New Year's Eve around Rush, 1999

New Year's Eve around Rush, 1999

New Year's Eve around Rush, 1999

New Year's Eve around Rush, Security, 1999

New Year's Eve around Rush, Security, 1999

New Year's Eve at Rush, 1999, Larry Coleman, RRT

New Year's Eve at Rush, 1999: Larry Coleman, RRT, Department of Respiratory Care, keeps a flashlight handy for midnight, just in case.

Y2K T-shirt, Y2K Task Force Collection

Y2K T-shirt, Y2K Task Force Collection, Rush University Medical Center Archives

Floppy disk, Y2K Task Force Collection

Y2K logo on a floppy disk

The Rush Archives usually does not maintain floppy disks, but we decided taking a photo of this particular item in the Y2K Task Force Collection would help represent late 1990s era technology.